Kreissaege is a relatively new breed of dog that was developed by Hans Kreiss in Germany. He first used the name of his pet, after the German word for"hare". His original intent was to give this animal the best chance of survival.
The beauty of Kreissaege lies in its large body size and strong legs. Their faces tend to be short, with small almond shaped eyes.
The key to Kreissaege's health is a healthy diet. A well balanced diet should consist of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and grains. Kreissaege must always be kept clean and free of fleas.
Kreissaege can make an outstanding watchdog, or as a guard dog, especially if you live near a busy road. They are quite alert to smells of risk, and are very protective of the master. Their personalities vary quite a bit depending on the owner, but they are generally very loyal and gentle toward kids. Kreissaege tend to be rather lazy, however, and need regular exercise to keep a great mental condition.
It's important to maintain Kreissaege healthy and happy so as to avoid any problems down the road. They should be given plenty tischkreissaegen of exercise and never left unattended for long intervals. You also have to provide a healthful and fresh home for them, free of parasites, and clean, free of fleas.
Kreissaege have a relatively short lifespan, averaging nine years in age. If you live near a busy road or city, you need to be extra cautious when it comes to this breed.
Kreissaege have some health problems that are common to a lot of breeds of dogs. These include heartworm and hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is the condition of having your hip joint not be able to expand properly, whilst heartworm is a type of flea infection caused by a parasite in the blood. Both of these are treatable, but they are not life threatening.
Kreissaege should always be checked out by a vet once you first get one since they are prone to a host of different problems that may affect the health of the dog. The main reason for this is that they tend to have certain health conditions that are common to various dogs.
Among the biggest problems with Kreissaege's coat is their skin. When a dog is constantly moist, their skin can quickly become dry. This causes their skin to itch and tear and can also result in skin infections and even skin cancer.
The next problem with the jacket is that it can grow into knots and sores in the skin. In addition to having hair that will get into the airways, the dog's nails can be impacted. Which can cause the nails to hurt and get inflamed when touched.
Another problem that happens with a lot of dogs is that their ears may become infected. In the event of a Kreissaege, this is a result of the fact they're allergic to flea bites. In case you have pets that are allergic to fleas, you should check them periodically to make certain that the pet isn't being attacked. These animals also have a problem with ear mites, and if the pet has these, you may notice them crawling all over the body.
Additionally, the dog's muscles and bones can become fragile and can break at anytime. This may result in a very painful dog. This makes them extremely sensitive to any sudden movement and may also result in lameness, difficulty with movement, and an inability to walk straight.
Kreissaege have a lengthy lifespan, which can range anywhere from one year to ten years, and then in addition, there are some breeds of dogs that have a more difficult time with them than others. This is due to how the Kreissaege can have a very slow growth rate and grow very slowly.